About the Political Institute

About Us

he Political Institute for the preparation of youth leaders: It is a national youth umbrella implemented by the Ministry of Youth with ideas, programs, projects and young cadres of youth and youth in partnership with them, in addition to partnerships with a number of ministries and partner institutions. The political institute carries out a number of programs and projects concerned with the involvement of young people in public life and activating their role in the decision-making process through the national program through its projects, the Jordanian youth government project and the Jordanian youth parliament project

Institute Objectives


Our vision stems from the belief in the ability of young people to engage in public work and public participation in decision-making as one of the elements of active citizenship to enable them scientifically and practically to exercise all relevant roles regarding the public.

The Message

Reaching a youth generation that is aware of its rights and duties and is able to participate by providing solutions and alternatives on scientific foundations based on evidence, evidence, and programs to achieve the ideal Jordanian model for youth participation.