Amman, January 18 (Petra) – Members of the social development sector in the youth government project within the Political Institute for the Preparation of Youth Leaders, one of the training projects of the Ministry of Youth, today, Tuesday, in the presence of Minister of Social Development Ayman Al Mufleh and Secretary General of the Ministry of Youth, Dr. Hussein Jabour, their research papers and recommendations development in the development sector.
The members discussed a research paper entitled: “The Rise in the Number of Beggars During 2020-2021”, in which they presented a set of proposals to mitigate, reduce and control the phenomenon of beggary, according to a scientific methodology that relied on quantitative and qualitative research tools, and the reasons that lead to beggary, in addition to the impact of the Corona pandemic on Increasing the number of beggars according to the economic conditions that the whole world is going through.
Al-Mufleh discussed the members’ ideas and development proposals in combating beggary, stressing the importance of concerted efforts to combat beggary, which has become a disturbing and disturbing phenomenon for the community and a profession that some people engage in, through partnership with the parties to the equation, namely Social Development, the Public Security Directorate, municipalities, the Amman Municipality, the judiciary and the citizen.
For his part, Jabour said that the Political Institute constitutes an intellectual youth force that presents its recommendations and development proposals through its research papers, which were designed in a systematic scientific manner that deal with practical solutions that can be applied and investigated according to a youth perspective framed by studies and research for all state institutions in all sectors, noting that the Ministry of Youth is keen Always to connect young men and women with the concerned authorities to involve them in the development process.